Above: a stunning photo of six blue banded bees settling down for the night on a roost
Above: each blue banded bee grasps the stem of the roost by its jaws.
Above: a particularly charming blue banded bee photograph by Erica Siegel!
Above: blue banded bees like to stay close together when they roost at night
Above: sometimes squabbles erupt as the bees compete for their favourite places on the roost!
Above: similar to the Great Carpenter Bees, blue banded bees are excellent buzz pollinators. This blue banded bee curls her body around the pollen capsules of a Melastoma affine flower then buzzes them with her flight muscles to eject the pollen from the capsules. In this way the blue banded bee collects some pollen for herself and helps to correctly pollinate the flower.
Above: another flower loved by blue banded bees
Above: this blue banded bee is looking for nectar. The brown tube, that she has extended towards this flower, protects her long flexible tongue. Notice too the bright colour markings on this bee's face.
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PO Box 74, North Richmond NSW 2754, Australia