Aussie Bee > Native Bee Photo Gallery > Blue Banded Bees
Erica Siegel kindly contributed the following eye-catching photographs of Blue Banded Bees to the Aussie Bee website:

Above: a stunning shot of a Blue Banded Bee balancing on its jaws as it rests on a roost.

Above: a group of Bluebanded Bees (Amegilla) coming in to roost in the evening. Erica won second place in the 2009 Redland Photographic Competition for this wonderful image.

Above: twenty four Blue Banded Bees (Amegilla) jostling for the best roosting positions on some dry stems in the evening.
More Stunning Photos of Blue Banded Bees by Erica Siegel. Videos of Blue Banded Bees. More Information on Blue Banded Bees. |
And 'Peter O' kindly contributed these fantastic photographs that he has taken of our Blue Banded Bees:

Above: a delightful photograph of a Blue Banded Bee sipping some nectar from a flower.

Above: a Blue Banded Bee (Amegilla) with her long tongue extended to search for nectar.
A Blue Banded Bee, Amegilla, showing off her beautiful iridescent furry stripes. Photograph by Aussie Bee:

A Blue Banded Bee sipping nectar from a flower. Notice the bee's pale green eyes and bold face markings. Photograph by 'Peter O':

A Blue Banded Bee in mid flight. She is extending her long tongue ready to sip from the next flower. Photograph kindly contributed by Daphne Gonzalvez:

The Blue Banded Bees are around 8-13 mm long and belong to the family Apidae. They are found Australia-wide, except for Tasmania.
Erica Siegel - Blue Banded Bee 2010 Gallery.
Erica Siegel - Blue Banded Bee 2011 Gallery.
Videos of Blue Banded Bees.
More Information on Blue Banded Bees.
Free Articles on Blue Banded Bees.