Aussie Bee > Native Bee Photo Gallery > Great Carpenter Bees
The 15-24 mm Great Carpenter Bees are the largest bees in Australia! They cut nest burrows in soft timber such as dead limbs of a mango tree.
The females (see photograph below) have glossy black abdomens and bright yellow waistcoats. (Male carpenter bees look quite different -- see photographs at the bottom of this page.)

Above: this beautiful photograph of a female Great Carpenter Bee was kindly contributed by Peter O.

Above: photograph of two female Great Carpenter Bees, by Aussie Bee
The males of the Great Carpenter Bee have quite different colouring. They are covered with soft golden fur.
'Peter O' also kindly contributed the following stunning photos to the Aussie Bee website. They show the male of the Great Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa), captured in mid flight!

The Xylocopa Great Carpenter Bees belong to the family Apidae. They are found in northern and eastern areas of Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland and New South Wales.
More Photos of Great Carpenter Bees.
Videos of Carpenter Bees.
Galleries of Other Native Bee Photos.