Above: both leafcutter and resin bees carry pollen on arrays of stiff bristles under the abdomen - as shown by this vibrant photograph by Erica Siegel.

Above: this leafcutter bee is having a few problems reaching down into this thistle flower at Redland City, Queensland!

Above: that's how it is done! Notice the bristles clearly visible under the abdomen of this bee.

Above: some leafcutter and resin bee species, like this one, have striking orange abdomens.

Above: a densely-packed pad of pollen has been collected by this bee. It is shown foraging from native Darling Pea flowers in the native display gardens at Indigiscape Centre, Capalaba, Redland City, Queensland.

Above: this resin bee, Megachile punctata, is large, black and noisy but just wants to get on with the job of collecting provisions for her solitary nest.

Above: notice the large jaws or mandibles on this M. punctata bee -- very effective tools for nest building!

Above: in this sensational photo, a M. punctata resin bee heads back to her nest with a full load of pollen.
Visit Erica Siegel's Wildlife Photography website
to see more of her stunning photographs!
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PO Box 74, North Richmond NSW 2754, Australia