Aussie Bee > Native Bee Links

Great Insect Websites

Australian Stingless Native Bees
Abundant stories, photos and fact sheets on stingless native bees by Russell and Janine Zabel. Tetragonula carbonaria (previously called Trigona carbonaria) and Austroplebeia australis nest sales. Boxing and nest rescue services.

Sugarbag website
Great photos and information about stingless bees and their honey and propolis by Dr Tim Heard. Hive sales and beekeeping resources.

Australian Native Bees - News & Info
Detailed articles about stingless bee husbandry and hive box design by Steve Flavel. Hive boxes and accessories, and Bee Hotels for solitary bees, for sale.

Great articles and photos on native bees compiled by passionate native bee promoter, Dr Megan Halcroft.

Erica Siegel's Native Bee Photographs
See spectacular photographs of Australian native bees, birds, mammals and much more on Erica Siegel's Wildlife Photography website! Erica's delightful images have been featured in many Aussie Bee photo galleries in recent years. Her contributions are greatly appreciated!

Wheen Bee Foundation -- Supporting Bees in Australia
The Wheen Bee Foundation promotes public awareness of the importance of bees and supports research on both commercial honeybees and native bees in Australia. They have generously loaned Aussie Bee equipment to help with our revision of the Austroplebeia stingless bee species.

Bees, Ants and Wasps from Brisbane, Queensland
Photos and interesting facts about a wide range of Brisbane insects.

Australian Insect Farm
Meet giant litter bugs, rhinoceros beetles, flower beetles, large stick insects, mantids, water bugs, butterflies, the giant Hercules moth and many more fascinating Aussie insects.

The Wonderful World of Insects
Comprehensive information on insects in a colourful and fun way. Presented by Earth-Life Web Productions. This site also has excellent pages on: Solitary Bees and Social Bees including the Stingless Bees.

Facebook Pages on Native Bees

Australian Native Bees on Aussie Bee Website
Aussie Bee's Facebook Page

Sugarbag Bees by Dr Tim Heard

Bee Aware Brisbane by Dr Tobias Smith

Bee Yourself by Sarah Hamilton

Bees Business by Dr Megan Halcroft

Bee Aware of your Native Bees
A group where you can post native bee photos and discuss ids and questions

Bees in the 'Burbs
A group with a focus on southwest WA native bees

Australian Scientific Research into Native Bees

The University of Sydney
At the Social Insects Lab, Dr Ben Oldroyd's group is studying the behaviour and genetics of social insects including Australian stingless bees.

Adelaide University, South Australian Museum and Flinders University
Dr Katja Hogendoorn, Dr Remko Leijs, James Dorey and their colleagues are involved in a range of native bee pollination and species research projects. In 2019, for instance, they announced the discovery of 26 new native bee species in the Australian outback.

Western Sydney University
Research underway at Western Sydney University is exploring the use of native bees for crop pollination and colony health issues for native bees.

Western Australian Museum
Dr Terry Houston has made many exciting discoveries about the unique native bees of Western Australia.The Museum Entomology Factsheets contain fascinating accounts of a number of WA bee species.

Major Revision of the Stingless Bee Species in the genus Austroplebeia
The Australian Native Bee Research Centre published a major revision of the species in the stingless bees genus Austroplebeia in 2015 with Dr Claus Rasmussen. A guide to this paper can be found in Aussie Bee Online Article 25.

Major Revision of the Stingless Bee Species in the genus Tetragonula
The Australian Native Bee Research Centre published a major revision of the species in the stingless bees genus Tetragonula* in 1997 with Professor SF Sakagami. A summary of the paper can be found at this link.
*At that time, these bees were classified in the genus Trigona

Advances Overseas in Using Native Bees for Pollination

Populations of commercial honeybees in USA have plumetted due to the spread of varroa mites. Several groups are researching the use of native bees as alternative pollinators for crops....

Solitary Bees: An Addition to Honey Bees
The Pollinator Paradise website covers bees such as hornfaced bees and blue orchard bees with suggestions for school science projects.

New Mexico Native Bee Pollinator Project
This page describes the uses of native bees for fruit growers.

Bee Diverse
Native mason bees are used by backyard gardeners in Canada for pollination. Small wooden bee houses provide nesting sites for mason bees and other solitary bees. Mason bees have similar nesting habits to Australian resin bees.

Other Websites on Australian Wildlife

Atlas of Living Australia
Explore photos and records of animals and plant species throughout Australia -- find out exactly which species are found in your area. You can also contribute photos or join in Citizen Science projects in your area.

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