In order to have bumblebees added to the list of species suitable for live import, the Australian Hydroponic and Greenhouse Association (AHGA) has had to write a detailed report about the potential impact of importing live bumblebees to Australia.
This report was posted on the DEH website on 19 April 2006. A 40 business day period for public comment on the report closed on 16 June 2006. However, there is still time to send your comments directly to the Minister about the AHGA proposal to import European bumblebees.
Please send an email or letter today to voice your opinion!
The report is in nine parts:
The 105 pages of main report text [Draft report assessing the impact of importing live Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) for crop pollination purposes],
the 29 pages of appendices text [Appendices 1-4: Draft report assessing the impact of importing live Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) for crop pollination purposes]
and seven separate illustrations [Figures 1--7].
Each part is in PDF format. You will need a copy of the program Adobe Reader or Acrobat Reader to view these documents.